Why Do Family Caregivers Need Support?

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Family caregivers who receive support are less likely to experience burnout than those who take on the role alone without assistance and moral support. The challenging tasks associated with the job can be stressful and lead to exhaustion. However, having others step up and help or provide a shoulder to lean on could be comforting and boost a caregiver’s mental health. Continue reading to learn why family caregivers need support. 

Maintain an Identity

Consuming yourself with your senior loved one’s needs and problems is normal, but it can have devastating consequences on your health. You need to build a support system that includes mentors you can vent to openly and honestly. Your supporters could also provide you with time off to do activities that bring you joy. Becoming a caregiver shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals or having a personal life. 

Reduce Fears

Speaking with family and friends or joining a caregiver support group can help you find ways to manage your loved one’s wellbeing, including cognitive decline and reduced mobility. The uncertainty of your parent’s health can be stressful and increase the risk of depression and other conditions. However, maintaining a supportive network allows you to discuss these fears honestly and openly. 

Talking about various issues can alleviate stress and help you face the unknown. For example, a mentor may encourage you to find ways to simplify tasks and outings to get your loved one out of the house instead of staying in due to limited mobility or cognitive issues. 

If you’re the primary family caregiver for an elderly loved one and need additional assistance providing high-quality senior care, Align Home Care Services of Kennebunk can help. We are a leading home care agency committed to changing the way seniors age.

Prevent Physical Problems

Moving your loved one from room to room can be physically challenging. Look to family and friends for support, especially if your loved one has limited mobility. You can also use home care services for additional support. 

When considering home care service, Kennebunk, Maine, families should make sure their senior loved ones have the resources they need to maintain their independence and remain healthy. Trusted in-home care professionals can assist seniors with daily tasks like cooking, bathing, and exercise, and they can also encourage them to focus on healthier lifestyle habits.

Reduce Financial Strain

Paying your parent’s expenses could increase your anxiety levels and lead to depression. If your siblings are unable to help out with your loved one’s medical fees, utility costs, and other bills, look into local, state, and federal programs that help seniors. Eligibility for grant programs and discounted services could reduce financial pressure and give you more time and money to focus on things you need to maintain a high quality of life. 

Prevent Isolation

You need to get out of the house, meet with friends, and do things that bring you joy. You’ll sacrifice some of your free time to care for your loved one, but you need to make time to socialize. Your support system can provide you with temporary relief and offer companionship. Both of these things can help you maintain good mental and emotional health and lower the risk of burnout. 

In Kennebunk, respite care is a great help to many families. Caring for a senior loved one can be overwhelming at times, which puts family caregivers at risk for burnout. However, an in-home caregiver can take over your loved one’s care, allowing you the time you need to focus on your own health, maintain a full-time job, or care for other members of your family. Call Kennebunk Align Home Care today at (207) 606-8419 to schedule a free in-home consultation and learn more about our high-quality respite care.


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