5 Tips for Family Caregivers Who Work Full-Time Jobs

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Providing companionship and assistance to their senior loved ones can be challenging for family caregivers who also have full-time jobs. Caregivers who work full-time jobs and look after elderly family members can end up feeling overwhelmed when trying to handle both responsibilities. Knowing how to balance caregiving with full-time work can ease this stress.

Stay Organized

Hang a large calendar on a wall at home with appointments and other important dates marked on it to stay organized. Ensuring you’re organized at home can make it easier to stay focused on work while you’re at your job. Likewise, staying organized at work allows you to focus better on caregiving duties when you’re at home, and it can prevent or alleviate stress from working full-time and caring for a senior loved one. 

If you need a break from your caregiving duties to organize your work and caregiving responsibilities, consider hiring a professional caregiver. Whether your elderly loved one needs part-time assistance with basic household chores or you need a break from your caregiving duties, the Portland respite care experts at Align Home Care Services are here to help. All of our respite care services are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, there are no hidden fees in our contracts, and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts.

Check Company Policies

Talk to your company’s human resources manager or consult your employee handbook for information that can make caregiving easier while holding down a full-time job. For example, you might have the option to work from home a couple of days a week, or you might be able to ask for schedule changes that work better with caregiving. Keep in mind you should also have a plan in place in case you need to leave unexpectedly, such as arranging for a coworker to handle your work while you’re away.

Keep Work & Caregiving Separate

Make it a personal policy to only focus on work-related issues while you’re on the job instead of trying to manage caregiving tasks such as calling to schedule appointments. Take care of your caregiving duties and tasks after you leave work for the day or during a break or lunch hour. Keeping these duties separate can prevent either work or caregiving from becoming too stressful. 

Arrange for a Leave of Absence

If caregiving duties are affecting your job performance, consider taking a leave of absence. During this absence, you can focus on caregiving duties and giving yourself time to recharge before going back to work. A leave of absence might also be a suitable option if your loved one needs more care than usual while recovering from a serious illness or injury. 

Seniors can face a variety of age-related challenges. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted in-home care provider. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need around-the-clock assistance that their families are not able to provide. Align Home Care Services is here to help.

Consider Hiring a Caregiver

A professional caregiver can help you with your caregiving duties. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or burned out by your caregiving and work responsibilities, knowing your loved one has someone else around to assist him or her may ease your caregiving burden. Hiring an in-home caregiver allows you to take breaks from caring for your loved one to unwind and relieve stress. 

Families who need help caring for senior loved ones can turn to Align Home Care Services, a leading provider of Portland senior home care. Services available in our customizable care plans include meal prep, mental and social stimulation, assistance with personal hygiene tasks, and much more. Call us today to speak with a friendly and experienced Care Manager to formulate a home care plan for your loved one.


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