When seniors first start to experience the symptoms of dementia, they may feel themselves slipping. However, many older adults choose to hide dementia instead of getting help because they’re ashamed or worried about losing their independence. Though the desire to hide dementia is understandable, it can exacerbate the symptoms and cause serious issues for older adults. Keep an eye out for the following signs your elderly parent might be hiding dementia.
1. Loss of Interest in Hobbies
Seniors with dementia tend to have difficulty with fine motor skills, logical thinking, and multitasking associated with hobbies like board games, crafts, and music. To hide the inability to participate in a hobby, your loved one may claim he or she is no longer interested in the activity.
Older adults living with dementia often require assistance with an array of tasks. If your aging loved one needs help managing everyday tasks or encouragement to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, turn to Align Home Care, a leading provider of home care. Portland Align Home Care provides professional in-home caregivers around the clock to help seniors live longer, happier, and healthier lives.
2. Excessive Reliance on a Partner
Many seniors are successful at hiding dementia from their family members because they have someone covering for them. Older adults may have a spouse or a friend who reminds them of appointments, keeps up with chores around the house, finishes sentences for them, or steps in when they forget something. Try to observe and interact with your loved one directly if you think he or she may be relying too much on a partner during daily life and social situations.
3. Frequent Accidents
Seniors might be able to cover up most of the symptoms of dementia, but they cannot hide frequent memory lapses. You may notice an increase in injuries due to things like forgetting a pot is hot or tripping over a stool. Even if your loved one has convincing excuses for the injury, a sudden uptick in injuries and accidents is a sign something is wrong.
Aging adults with dementia often experience falls and injuries when they try to manage daily activities independently. Hiring a professional caregiver is a good way to make sure your parent receives help with everyday tasks. Whether your elderly loved one needs part-time assistance with basic household chores or you need a break from your caregiving duties, the Portland respite care experts at Align Home Care are here to help. All of our respite care services are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, there are no hidden fees in our contracts, and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts.
4. Denial About Lapses
In many cases, family members notice their loved one has forgotten something, used the wrong word in a sentence, or gotten briefly confused. When bringing up this topic, the senior may deny the issue and come up with some excuse. For instance, your loved one may say he or she is tired or dismiss the issue as a temporary senior moment.
5. Lack of Care About Personal Hygiene & Cleanliness in the Home
Seniors with dementia often have difficulty caring for themselves and their homes. Older adults might forget to brush their hair in the morning, or they may not take down holiday decorations because the multistep task is too difficult to manage. If you notice your loved one is no longer living up to his or her previous standards for tidiness, cleanliness, and personal hygiene, you may need to consider the possibility of dementia.
Dementia is one of the most serious health issues among the elderly. If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Align Home Care, a leading provider of senior home care Portland, ME, families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. To learn about our high-quality in-home care plans, give us a call at (207) 835-3490 today.