While there isn’t a permanent cure for Alzheimer’s disease, doctors can do quite a bit to minimize and delay some of the worst symptoms of this condition as long as a senior is diagnosed early on. For this reason, it’s important for family caregivers to familiarize themselves with a few of the most common signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
Memory Loss
Even though Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss are closely related, caregivers need to realize cognitive decline is a natural part of the aging process. That being said, you should schedule an appointment with a neurologist if your aging loved one’s memory seems to have changed very rapidly. You might notice your loved one constantly repeating him or herself or asking the same questions. A neurologist will be able to carry out a variety of tests to determine if your loved one has Alzheimer’s or any other cognitive health disorders.
If your loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, help is just a phone call away. For reliable Alzheimer’s care, Portland families can turn to Align Home Care. We are a leading provider of professional memory care designed to help seniors maintain a higher quality of life. In addition to Alzheimer’s care, we also provide comprehensive dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke care. From revolutionary care programs to compassionate and dedicated caregivers, we can meet all of your Alzheimer’s home care needs.
Difficulty Handling Financial Responsibilities
Certain tasks become more challenging to manage as an individual grows older, but managing everyday financial matters shouldn’t be a huge problem for healthy seniors. When an older adult has Alzheimer’s, paying bills or handling money could become confusing or overwhelming. As a caregiver, you might begin to notice overdue bills or shutoff notices coming in the mail. At the very least, you should sit down with your loved one and discuss his or her finances. Your loved one might simply be having difficulty with bills and is too embarrassed to ask for help.
Poor Judgment
Alzheimer’s disease can have a huge impact on an individual’s judgment. One example would be falling for telephone or email scams. Your loved one might give out his or her credit card details or social security number without realizing he or she is being scammed or taken advantage of. To minimize the risk, you might need to take over your loved one’s finances entirely.
Constantly Getting Lost or Becoming Confused
Once Alzheimer’s disease has progressed to the moderate stage, most seniors find it very difficult to follow directions. Some get lost on their way to the store or even forget why they went to the store in the first place. There may even come a point where seniors get lost inside their own homes, and they’re going to need 24/7 assistance from that point on. If you aren’t able to provide constant assistance, consider hiring an around-the-clock caregiver.
Caring for a senior loved one can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Family caregivers can turn to Align Home Care for the help they need. We provide high-quality live-in and respite care as well as comprehensive Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care.
Sudden Changes in Personality
Many people don’t realize that Alzheimer’s can drastically change a senior’s personality. An individual who used to be kind and soft-spoken might become aggressive and belligerent. Some seniors with Alzheimer’s also isolate themselves entirely, which can be very bad for their mental health. Constantly interacting with friends and family members is one of the best ways to boost cognitive health, and you must make sure your loved one doesn’t become socially isolated.
A trained professional caregiver can be a great resource when it comes to managing age-related conditions in seniors. There are many reasons seniors might need assistance at home. Some may require regular mental stimulation due to an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, while others might only need part-time assistance with exercise and basic household tasks. Align Home Care is a leading homecare services provider. Families rely on our expertly trained caregivers to help their senior loved ones maintain a high quality of life. Reach out to us at Align Home Care if you need compassionate, professional care for your loved one. Call one of our dedicated Care Managers today at (207) 835-3490 to learn about the high quality of our in-home Alzheimer’s care services.